Bipolar 101: Relapse Prevention Therapy Ideas
Relapse prevention
Bipolar is one of the most severe form of mental illness. It greatly effects the overall functioning of an individual's life and impacts their perception of reality when they do experience a relapse. Many people experience both the depression and the mania and that's what makes this disorder so complicated.
Relapses do not have to be so severe if appropriate therapy ideas have been put into place.One of the biggest issues with people living with Bipolar is that they often feel isolated and alone due their illness. Psychotherapy allows for the person to vent their frustrations behind the disease and process signs to look for when relapse is looming. Psychotherapy groups are highly recommended due in part to the modality of treatment. Individuals who engage in group psychotherapy are able to hear stories of other bipolar patients who struggle with their disease. It allows for people to hear stories of acceptance vs. denial when coping with their illness.
Many communities also offer support groups that allow people to openly discuss aspects of being diagnosed with bipolar disease. These groups also encourage medication compliance. People who cease use of their medication is the leading cause of relapse with bipolar patients. The groups also allow for the individual to feel part of a community and this helps to diminish feelings of isolation.Art therapy is another way to prevent relapse. People are encouraged to express their feelings and emotions through various art media. The classes are held in the community or at a mental health facility. Often art shows will be held to display the individuals' works of art. People who experience bipolar are often very gifted with self expression and the use of paint, pottery and other art media.
Keep a daily diary of how you feel and if a pattern starts to appear of possible relapse then it is recommended that you call your mental health therapist immediately.