How to Live With Bipolar & ADD
How to Live With Bipolar & ADD
Professional Help/Therapy. If you have been diagnosed with either Bipolar or ADD, seek the professional expertise of a therapist. Both of these conditions are extremely challenging and difficult to handle. Therapy helps you talk through your symptoms and deal with the issues resulting from the disorder. If you have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or ADD, speak with your physician and obtain an appropriate recommendation for a therapist.
Medication. Once you are diagnosed, your doctor will more than likely give you the option of prescription medication. There are many types of medications that you can choose from depending upon the severity of your disorder. Talk with your doctor in depth about the medications and their side affects. Medications can help you manage your symptoms and even lessen or alleviate some of them.
Self Help. Paying attention to your symptoms and taking steps to control them can help you deal with your condition. Keeping yourself mentally healthy means proper diet and nutrition. The type of foods you eat give your body the energy needed to function. If you are not eating a proper diet, it affects you mentally and physically. Bipolar disorder and ADD affects your energy level, appetite and sleep. Be sure to monitor yourself and when symptoms arise, take the proper steps to manage them.
Support Groups. Joining a support group is a great way to help you deal with your condition. Talking with other people that have the same disorder and experience the same difficulties as you can help you cope. Support Groups give you guidance and encouragement. You are not alone with Bipolar Disorder or ADD. There are millions of people that have been diagnosed and are taking steps to get control of their lives. Having either of these conditions does not have to limit your lifestyle.