Bipolar Characteristics & Definition
Symptoms of Mania
Typical manic symptoms include decreases in appetite and need for sleep, poor concentration, irritability, poor judgment and a tendency to make rash decisions.
Symptoms of Depression
Depressive episodes are characterized by low mood, anxiety, feelings of guilt and suicidal thoughts. Some patients also experience bodily pain that has no discernible physical cause.
A diagnosis of bipolar type I is made when a patient experiences an episode of mania, whether or not they have experienced depression. In bipolar II, the patient has experienced at least one episode of depression and one hypomanic episode. Cyclothymia is a less severe form of bipolar disorder in which the mood swings are not as extreme.
Individuals with bipolar disorder can swing between mania and depression, sometimes experiencing symptoms of both at the same time. Episodes can last for weeks or even months. Those with rapid cycling bipolar disorder experience at least four episodes per year.
Along with depression and periods of mania, people with bipolar disorder can experience psychosis. Those suffering from psychosis lose control of reality.