Dialectical Behavior Therapy & Bipolar Disorder
Treating Bipolar Disorder with DBT
Bipolar Disorder is mental health condition that causes severe shifts in an individual's mood, energy and ability to cope with daily responsibilities. Bipolar Disorder usually develops in late teens to early adulthood and is marked by episodes of mania and depression.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a form of treatment for Bipolar Disorder that was developed by a faculty member at the University of Washington. DBT consists of four parts: individual therapy, telephone contact, the building of a therapeutic relationship with their therapist and group therapy. With DBT, group therapy is a large component of the treatment experience. Bipolar patients that are engaged in DBT therapy usually meet one time weekly for two to three hours in duration. Individuals usually meet with their DBT therapist one time weekly with telephone contact in between the scheduled visits.
Primary focus of DBT
During the course of this weekly group treatment four treatment modules are the primary focus of DBT. The modules are designed to help the Bipolar individual learn and implement new coping skills. The four modules are as follows:
Core Mindfulness teaches the patient to learn and adapt new skills to stay in the present moment and not to dwell on the past.
Interpersonal skills teach self-esteem and how to maintain healthy relationships.
Emotion Modulation stresses the need to enhance coping skills and teaches new ways to cope with intense emotions.
Distress Tolerance teaches the individual to accept and cope with life's stressful situations.
When DBT is used to treat Bipolar Disorder it is the hopes of the treatment team that these individuals will move on to lead a full and productive life free of the peaks and valleys that often accompany Bipolar Disorder.