Prognosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder

People with bipolar affective disorder have a higher death rate from suicide and heart disease than the general population. However, with the right treatment, the prognosis for bipolar disorder can be greatly improved.
  1. Health Risks of Bipolar Affective Disorder

    • Up to one in five people with bipolar disorder commits suicide. Bipolar patients are also more prone to heart disease, cancer and autoimmune and endocrine disorders, resulting in a 9.2-year decrease in life expectancy.

    Prognosis Without Treatment

    • The prognosis for someone with untreated bipolar affective disorder includes a higher death rate, the alienation of family and friends and inability to perform job and day-to-day activities.

    Prognosis With Treatment

    • With proper and consistent treatment, the prognosis for survival and a productive life is greatly increased. Treatment involves medication, psychological care and lifestyle changes.

    Treatment With Medications

    • Psychiatrists usually prescribe a mood stabilizer and antidepressant to keep mood swings in check. Anti-psychotic medications may also be prescribed.

    Other Methods of Treatment

    • Counseling and psychoanalysis are part of a successful treatment plan for bipolar disorder. Lifestyle changes may involve quitting drugs or alcohol, getting plenty of exercise, mood tracking, stress management and eating a healthier diet.

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