Signs & Symptoms of Preschoolers With ADHD & Bipolar
Dealing with ADHD and bipolar symptoms in preschoolers can be difficult.
For many years, preschoolers were thought to be too young to be diagnosed with ADHD or bipolar, according to The website states that this concept has been proven untrue. However, diagnoses can still be challenging at this young age.
Previously, ADHD and bipolar were only recognized in children once they were in school, therefore, preschool children who have these symptoms and signs may go undiagnosed for a long time. These disorders may seem like two different things; however, they are very similar and often show themselves at the same time, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
ADHD Signs and Symptoms
Preschoolers who exhibit signs of ADHD may act out in different ways. They may not listen to your commands, pick on other children, or not be able to control themselves. Children who are suffering from ADHD may show signs of violent and hasty behavior, such as throwing things across the room, according to the ADDitude magazine website.
Bipolar Signs and Symptoms
Signs of bipolar can be very similar to ADHD and can be extremely severe. These signs can include extreme mood swings, ranging from very acute highs and intense lows. Preschoolers may have trouble sleeping and exhibit learning problems, according to the AdhdNews website. These symptoms can be so severe that they can prevent your preschooler from functioning normally.
The key for treatment is to find a good doctor, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. This doctor will examine your child and evaluate the situation. She may decide on therapy or medication or both. With treatment, the signs and symptoms of bipolar and ADHD in your preschooler can be helped.