Lithium Orotate Information
Lithium orotate is very similar to the well-known psychoactive drug lithium carbonate. They work in similar ways and both can be considered to be psychoactive drugs used in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder. Lithium orotate is marketed as an over the counter dietary supplement. It is also claimed that lithium carbonate soothes headaches (particularly migraines and cluster headaches), low white blood cell counts, juvenile convulsive diseases, alcoholism and liver disorders. It is also claimed to improve vision, according to
How It Works
In general, lithium works by affecting the flow of sodium through the body's nerve and muscle cells. Sodium affects mood fluctuations such as excitement and mania. Lithium treats the manias brought on by Bipolar Disorder but does not treat the depressive cycle. Manic symptoms such as irritability, anger, hyperactivity, pressured speech, rapid thoughts, poor judgment, reduced need for sleep, aggression and anger are all treated by lithium. Lithium also soothes the intensity and length of a manic episode.
Lithium orotate has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Even though it has been available over the counter for many years, studies have never been conducted on human participants, according to the PsychCentral website. Lithium orotate also releases higher levels of lithium into the brain and body in smaller dosages than the regular brand of lithium carbonate. Lithium carbonate still affects the kidneys in dangerous ways in low dosages. If lithium orotate has the ability to release higher levels of lithium into the body in lower dosages, this means that people taking lithium orotate are at higher risks of overdose, kidney problems, kidney failure and even death. Lithium orotate can also be used to decrease symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. The fact that it is available to anyone in an over the counter form and the fact that it has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration makes lithium orotate very dangerous--- especially when used to self medicate.
Toxic Effects
Toxic effects of lithium are hand tremors, frequent urination, thirst, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. When experienced in very high dosages, dangerous side effects may be drowsiness, muscle weakness, loss of coordination, ringing in ears, blurred vision, kidney damage, confusion, eye pain, involuntary muscle spasms in face, tongue or body, feeling cold and having discoloration in nails, fingers or toes, hallucinations, seizures, black outs, muscle stiffness or irregular heart beat. If you experience any of these side effects, please seek medical care as soon as possible.
Please discuss the use of lithium orotate with your health care provider before you decide to use it. Your doctor will be able to decide if lithium orotate is the right supplement for you to take and will be able to look through your mental and physical health records to make an informed and sound opinion as to whether you should add lithium to the list of over the counter drugs and prescriptions you may already be taking.