MSG & Bipolar Disorder
Treating bipolar disorder with natural therapies and lifestyle changes such as psychotherapy, dietary changes and supplementing with herbs and vitamins is becoming more popular as patients seek to manage symptoms without the side effects from heavy medications.
Effects of special diets can vary, but scientific research supports the theory that MSG may exacerbate bipolar symptoms.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings, mania, depression and concentration problems. In fact, it used to be called manic depression, a description of how people suffering from the disease would suffer from both low moods and become excitable and extremely active.
Bipolar disorder is a neuro-biological illness that originates in the brain. No one knows what causes it, although it does run in families. A Duke University study found that bipolar patients had physical changes in the brain, with smaller amygdalae. The amygdala processes emotional reactions and mood.
MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a form of glutamic acid that is commonly added to processed foods to enhance flavor. MSG contains free glutamate.
The FDA has proclaimed MSG to be safe for most people, but acknowledges that some people do appear to be hypersensitive to the effects of MSG.
MSG is an excitotoxin, which can damage nerve receptors by causing them to become hyperactive. Eating glutamate has been shown to raise blood levels of the chemical, which can cross the blood brain barrier and damage brain cells.
MSG Sensitivity
MSG sensitivity is also called "Chinese restaurant syndrome" because Chinese food often contains high amounts of natural and artificial glutamate. Some symptoms of MSG sensitivity overlap with symptoms of bipolar disorder, including depression, mental confusion, behavioral problems and difficulty concentrating.
MSG sensitivity is caused by the action of glutamate on nerve receptors in the brain and isn't an allergic response.
Bipolar Medications and Glutamate
Lithium, one of the most well studied bipolar treatments, works by stabilizing glutamate levels in the brain. Too little glutamate can cause low moods and too much glutamate can trigger mania.
Lamictal, an anticonvulsant approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder, works by adjusting the release of neurotransmitters to glutamate and aspartate.
Reducing nerve receptors' exposure to glutamate helps treat bipolar symptoms.
MSG Restriction
Reducing MSG in your diet will reduce blood plasma levels of glutamate, which will reduce exposure in the brain. There are many anecdotal stories of MSG restriction reducing manic episodes although no scientific studies have been done.
In order to eliminate MSG from the foods you eat, you need to know how it is listed on ingredient labels. MSG and glutamate containing foods may be listed as monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed yeast and yeast extract. Ingredients labeled "spices" or "flavorings" may also hide glutamate containing foods.