What Does Bipolar Disorder Feel Like?
The mania is often likened to a feeling of euphoria and hyperactivity. This feeling can be accompanied by insomnia and reckless behavior.
Reckless behavior is a part of both the manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder and can be displayed in many forms such as excessive shopping, uninhibited and random sex, violence and drug use.
The low times are very low. The depressive stage can be accompanied by feelings of loss, weight gain, excessive sleeping and feelings of worthlessness. There is also an increase of suicidal tendencies during the depressive phase.
Mood Swings
Mood swings, which are not caused by specific triggers, are a big part of bipolar disorder. You can go from feeling on top of the world to feeling as sad as if you've lost a loved one. These mood swings are not a choice but a symptom and can be frightening for the person who has bipolar disorder as well as all of those around him.
People with ipolar disorder can be helped through therapy and medication. Having bipolar is not the end of your life. Seek help. Talk to a trusted friend, family member or counselor to get some relief from these symptoms. Although it is not always treated as such, the psyche is a part of the body and it is vital in your total well being.