Natural Solutions for Manic Depression
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective therapeutic strategies for treating manic depression when used in conjunction with medication. CBT teaches the patient to think more deeply about the way his or her perspective on a situation affects his behavior. Overly negative thought processes can lead to irrational behavior, whereas positive thought processes can lead to rational decisions. Therapy may teach the patient how to evaluate his appraisal of a difficult situation to determine whether his thinking is being distorted by emotions. If it is, then using a more realistic thought process should lead to rational behavior.
Nutritional Supplements
Some nutritional supplements may have mood-stabilizing benefits for people with manic depression. Amino acids like taurine, methionine and tyrosine are sometimes used to control bipolar episodes. Taurine may help with hypomanic episodes, while tyrosine and methionine can help with depression. Another supplement, lecithin, is a phospholipid which is sometimes used to keep manic episodes at bay.
These supplements can interfere with other medications and may even be dangerous, so it is vital that a physician is consulted before use. There is no proof that these supplements produce the benefits they claim. Because they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, they can be sold with little or no scientific evidence of their effectiveness.
Relaxation Techniques
Because of the sometimes volatile nature of both manic and depressive episodes, patients may benefit from relaxation or mental control training. These techniques offer a way for the manic depressive individual to slow down his or her thinking and regain control in emotional situations. Some of these relaxation techniques include hypnosis, deep breathing, tai chi, meditation, visualization and guided imagery. These strategies usually take a fair amount of concentration and may be more successful when used at the onset of a manic or depressive episode, when the patient is not yet extremely emotional.