Information on Teenage Bipolar Disease

Teenage bipolar disorder, formally known as manic-depressive disorder, is an illness thought to have around 5.7 million sufferers in the U.S, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. It is much harder to diagnose in teens than bipolar in adults as its symptoms mimic feelings that all teenagers have.
  1. Symptoms

    • The symptoms will vary depending on whether the teen is in the manic or depressive cycle. In the manic phase, the teenager is filled with energy and irritable with violent outburst. On the depressive side, the teen may seem sad, tired, unwilling to participate in every day life activities and fatigued, and may have suicidal thoughts.


    • The effects are the clearest way to see the disorder. Teenagers with bipolar disorder tend to engage in high-risk activities, school performance suffers, and are prone to rash decisions.


    • The most common tool for treatment is therapy. However, the disease is thought to be caused by imbalances in the brain so pharmaceuticals, such as mood stabalizers and antidepressants, are also used.

    Self help

    • Although the disease needs to be treated professionally, the patient can help. Besides following the prescribed treatment, the patient can avoid all stimulants such as cola and depressives such as alcohol.


    • Teenage bipolar disorder cannot be cured, only treated. Treatments will need to be continued for life.

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