Bipolar Child Symptoms
The bipolar child can be difficult to diagnose since many of the child's behaviors may overlap with other disorders. Bipolar children are often misdiagnosed as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Initial Signs
If a child has sharp mood swings from listless depression to grandiose exaltations, he may be suffering from bipolar disorder. Rapid speech, irritability or elevated moods are common warning signs.
There are a few persistent symptoms in bipolar children, including separation anxiety and temper tantrums that last for more than one hour. Bipolar children also show a lack of respect for authority, experience hallucinations and night terrors, act impulsively and go for long periods without sleep.
Bipolar children experience depressed moods and periods of low self-esteem. They may also experience guilt, feel a sense of worthlessness and experience a decline in their school performance.
Social Situations
A bipolar child may exhibit social anxiety, hypersensitivity or may become overly emotional in social environments.
Extreme Behaviors
In severe cases, bipolar children may engage in self-mutilation or animal cruelty. An additional symptom includes inappropriate sexual behavior.