Dangers of Manic Depression

Manic depression, or bipolar disorder, is characterized by mood swings far more intense than those of other individuals. These swings can take a person from manic (up) to depressed (down) in a matter of minutes. There are dangers associated with these mood swings.
  1. Irritability

    • During a manic stage, a person with manic depression may become irritable or aggressive. This could negatively affect his relationships at home and at work.

    High-Risk Activities

    • Sex, excessive shopping and drug use are common during a manic phase. The manic person has no concept of the consequences of her actions, and may end up with problems due to these activities.


    • During a depression spell, a person with bipolar disorder may have feelings of worthlessness. This may prevent him from doing normal activities such as taking out the garbage, going to work or even getting out of bed.


    • Concentrating may be a problem for someone experiencing a depressive mood. Completing tasks that would normally seem easy, like a work or school project, may seem impossible.


    • Because life seems devoid of pleasure during a depressive episode, thinking about or attempting suicide is a danger of manic depression.

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