Bipolar Depression Definition
Moods swings are common with bipolar disorder. Typical symptoms during a depression period include sadness, restlessness, fatigue, weight loss and hopelessness. Symptoms during a manic phase typically include dangerous behavior, racing thoughts, impulsiveness and extreme optimism.
There are four types of bipolar, and doctors use your behavior pattern to make a diagnosis. The four types include bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymia disoder and mixed bipolar.
Often mistaken for "the blues," depression phases of bipolar disorder are similar to clinical depression, which is a more serious form of this type of illness.
Mania cycles with depression in bipolar disorder. Mania refers to an intense euphoric state, which usually triggers excitability and increased confidence.
Suicidal thoughts are common in severe bipolar depression. Warning signs may include, but are not limited to, intense sadness, inflicting self-harm and expressing thoughts of deaths.