Lecithin for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which you experience serious shifts in behavior and mood. You swing from manic highs to depressed lows in such ways that impair your ability to function normally. The mood changes come in cycles that can last for months, but often change within a few days or weeks. The causes of bipolar disorder are unknown, but it does run in families.
Although there is no cure for bipolar disorder, there are several treatments available to manage your condition. One of those is Lecithin, which includes a lipid compound that contains choline and inositol. You can find Lecithin naturally in the cell membrane of any living tissue. The best natural sources include beef liver, eggs and oranges. Most commercially used Lecithin is extracted from egg yolk, soybeans or brain tissue. Although Lecithin has many uses, it lends itself to treating bipolar disorder because it aides in producing acetylcholine (Ach). Ach increase brain function, including memory, concentration and mood stability.
Lecithin supplements come in three forms: capsules, liquid and granules. The capsules and liquid are most common but have a taste that takes some time getting used to. If you are going to take these forms, you may want to combine them with a dairy product to make them go down easier. Granules are the easiest way to take lecithin supplements because they can be stirred into juice, milk or smoothies. Always take lecithin supplement as directed by the manufacturer and your health care provider. The dosage of lecithin supplements you take is something that you decide with your health care provider.
Side Effects
There are few side effects associated with taking lecithin supplements for bipolar disorder if you are taking small amounts of it. However, in large doses, it can cause stomach problems, vomiting and diarrhea. You can gain weight, develop a rash or suddenly begin suffering from intense headaches. You may also notice that your natural body odor has become fishier. You should always discuss any side effects you have with your health care provider so that he can advise you further.
There is no cure for bipolar disorder. There is also no magic pill or supplement to make the symptoms disappear. To properly treat your condition you must combine medication, therapy and lifestyle choices. Any treatment you seek must be with the help of your health care provider. He will monitor your progress and side effects to determine if using lecithin supplements is benefiting your condition. Always follow your health care provider's instructions on lecithin and your bipolar disorder.