Loving Someone With Bipolar Disorder
Be Flexible
If you love a bipolar person, your world could be turned upside down in moments. You have to learn to ride the waves of the ups and downs like a pro surfer.
Don't Take it Personally
The bipolar person will sometimes say awful things, but understand that is the illness talking, not the person. Don't take it personally, it isn't about you.
Give Them Space When They Need It
Often, when a bipolar person begins feeling down, they just need space. Trying to help by "staying close" and "cheering them up," will likely make matters worse.
Love Them Just as They Are
When you love a bipolar person, you have to accept them and love them just as they are. Know that you can not "cure" them or "fix" them. What you can do is just love them unconditionally.
Take Time for Yourself
When you love a bipolar person, you face their illness on a daily basis. It can be wearing. Don't neglect your own needs.
Know When to Seek Outside Help
Sometimes, loving a bipolar person is just too much for you to handle. Don't ever be afraid to seek outside help. Get counseling if you need it.
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