Bipolar II Symptoms in Men
Manic Attitudes
Other times a Bipolar II male lives in a state of euphoria. Every day is a Super Bowl celebration. Excessive celebration is his normal response to the smallest bit of good news. He takes Mohamed Ali's boast, "I am the greatest," applies it to himself and believes it.
A Bipolar II manic is not as extreme and the person can be seen as overwhelmingly happy. His attitude can be very positive and optimistic. He is always looking at the glass half full. The Bipolar II male in his upswing is a fun and encouraging person to be around.
Manic Actions
The hypomanic male flies from one idea to the next. He is hyperactive. His speech is rushed and feels pressed to complete his thoughts and ideas. He is impulsive and often does not finish projects. His desk is full of half completed work.
He is full of energy and is constantly on the go. His hyperactivity is coupled with a decreased need for sleep. Although he is sleep deprived he maintains a positive outlook but occasionally erupts in an irritable explosion.
The Bipolar II male is constantly bombarding others with his plans, dreams and projects in a nonstop barrage of self promotion. This "selling himself" carries over to a seductive conquest for sexual partners.
This lack of good judgement can leave him open to some negative consequences such as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or an unwanted pregnancy with his partner.
Depressive Attitudes
On the down side of the disease the Bipolar II male can go through mild or more severe depression.
The Bipolar II male may be a real grouch. Irritability is common in this condition. Even the smallest annoyances receive a harsh reaction.
A deep sadness hovers over him as he wonders why he can't control his feelings. Sometimes the Bipolar II male will even break down and cry for no apparent reason. Life loses its flavor and the joy begins to fade. He becomes disinterested in activities he used to love.
Depressive Actions
His sleep pattern becomes irregular. Sometimes he sleeps too much and other times barely enough. His weight fluctuates up and down the scale as his moods change. Food follows the feelings and causes his weight to fluctuate.
Some sufferers resort to cutting themselves, or self-mutilation when coping with anger, frustration or intense anxiety. These actions are not usually a single instance. Self harm becomes a dangerous habit, which can lead to suicide.
If you or someone you love shows the signs of Bipolar II get a professional diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated the disease can result in serious psychological and physical damage or even death. One such case was the life of Ben Squirrell, from Withington, New Mexico. He was a sound engineer who lost his life in a collision with a bus traveling the wrong way on the road. He was a patient who was being treated for Bipolar disease and according to the coroners report, did not have proper medication.