Childhood Abuse & Bipolar Disorder
According to a study published in the British Journal of Psychology, almost half of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder were abused as children or experienced some other type of severe childhood trauma. This study was conducted by interviewing patients who were being treated at only one treatment center for bipolar disorder. It is possible that once this study is conducted elsewhere, the frequency of child abuse in those with bipolar disorder will be found to be higher or lower.
Childhood abuse has a negative effect on the lives of people who have undergone it. Depression, insecurity and low self-esteem can all occur as a result of this abuse. This is true of people who don't even have bipolar disorder, so it only follows that those with bipolar disorder would have further problems. People with bipolar disorder who were abused as children are more likely to have an early onset of the disease, rapid cycling and frequent suicide attempts.
The erratic behavior of bipolar children can lead to allegations of child abuse or neglect. Teachers or fellow parents might see the child during the depression stage of their illness and might assume that the parents are responsible. In addition, bipolar children are more prone to reckless and aggressive behavior that could mean that they have more bruises than other children, giving the appearance of abuse.
Possible Causes
Since there is such a high correlation between bipolar disorder and abuse, one has to wonder why this is so. Children with bipolar disorder are more likely to be born to families with a history of mental illness. Certain mental illnesses, like bipolar disorder, make a parent more likely to abuse their child. It could be that in cases where the parents themselves are mentally ill that these cases of child abuse occur.
There is no way to fix what has happened to you in the past, but you can stop the cycle of abuse. People who were abused as children are more likely to be abusers. You can choose not to abuse your children despite your bipolar disorder. Some people believe that those with bipolar disorder cannot be good parents, but those who have become stable and are being treated are just as capable of being good parents as anyone else.