Bipolar Disorder in Children
Mood shifts
Children with bipolar disorder have rapidly changing extremes in moods. These mood shifts commonly cycle many times daily.
Signs in early childhood
Children who are overly responsive to sensory stimulation, rarely sleep and are easily frustrated with frequent temper tantrums are often showing early signs of bipolar disorder. Extreme opposition to authority, inability to make transitions, and inattentive and fidgety behavior are other early signs.
Children who are bipolar are often misdiagnosed as having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The difference is that children with bipolar disorder have elated highs, goal-directed behavior, hypersexuality, a decreased need for sleep, grandiose behavior and deep depression that alternates with periods of stable moods.
Dangers of misdiagnosis
ADHD is treated with stimulant medications. Stimulant medications will cause a child with bipolar disorder to have an increased chance of a manic episode.
Parents can help get their child properly diagnosed by keeping track of their child's moods, behavior, sleep,appetite and activities. With the knowledge of any family history of substance abuse or mental illness along with a mood chart, a child psychiatrist can evaluate your child for bipolar disorder.
Children who are not diagnosed can develop a problem with substance abuse. Social relationships and school performance can also suffer.