Kinds of Manic Depression
Bipolar I and Mania
Bipolar I and mania is characterized by both manic and depressive episodes. The manic episodes typically involve very risky behavior and hospitalization may be required.
Bipolar II and Hypomania
If you have bipolar II and hypomania, you will suffer from severe depression with mild mania (hypomania). Although sometimes thought of as a "milder" form of bipolar disorder, the suicide rate among people with bipolar II is quite high.
Cyclothymic Disorder
If you have cyclothymic disorder, your mood will swing between hypomania and mild depression. Cyclothymic disorder is not as severe as bipolar I and II, but it can eventually lead to bipolar I.
Rapid Cycling
Typically, if you have bipolar disorder you will experience an average of eight to 10 manic and depressive episodes within your lifetime. Rapid cycling is characterized by increasingly frequent mood changes, and can involve shifts from low to high several times in a single day.
Mixed Episode
A mixed episode is a concurrently occurring episode of mania and depression; this dangerous fusion places the sufferer at a high risk for suicide.