Natural Medicine for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar brains need more sleep to function normally. Go to bed early and at the same time every night. Even one late night out could trigger a manic episode. Over-the-counter sleep aids (diphenhydramine and melatonin) are not habit-forming.
Processed and junk foods rob the body of nutrients and contain synthetic colors, flavors and preservatives that can inflame brain tissue. A diet of whole foods supports brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oils, flax and chia seeds, are essential to proper nerve transmissions. Avoid caffeine; it contributes to anger and stress. Try tea, which contains calming theanine. A strict gluten-free diet has reversed some stubborn cases of bipolar disorder. Tofu, brown rice, quinoa, beans, lentils, fish, poultry, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, celery, red bell pepper, squash, broccoli, cabbage, nuts and seeds are good choices. Do not eat fried foods; oils release harmful chemicals when boiled.
Amino Acids
GABA, an amino acid, is deficient in people with bipolar disorder. To raise GABA levels, take it as a supplement or increase it by other means. Two tablespoons of vinegar taken before each meal will temporarily raise GABA levels.
GABA regulates glutamate. Too much glutamate produces manic feelings, while too little leads to grogginess and depression. There are ways to lower glutamate in relation to mood swings. Glutamine is an amino acid that countreacts the effects of glutamate. Take it when you're feeling irritable or craving sugar. The amino acids theanine or taurine have similar actions.
Herbs that are known to raise GABA levels are valerian root, kava kava and scullcap. Potent drug-like effects can occur, so try only one herbal remedy at a time.
Calcium raises GABA and glutamate levels; take it to feel more alert.
Magnesium counteracts the effects of calcium; take it to go to sleep.
It is extremely dangerous to stop prescription medication without the knowlege and advice of a physician.