Signs of Child Bipolar Disease
Many children and adolescents with bipolar disorder seem to need much less sleep than their peers. These children may stay up late and get only four to six hours of sleep a night, but they will not show any signs of being tired the next day.
Grandiose Behavior
Children who are bipolar may exhibit some signs of engaging in grandiose behavior or acting as though there are no rules. Some examples of grandiose behavior include thinking they are superhuman and can fly or perform other dangerous stunts and acting as though they are an authority figure, telling authority figures such as parents and teachers what to do.
Racing Thoughts
Kids and adolescents who have bipolar disorder may also frequently jump from topic to topic in conversation or activity to activity in their playing as though their mind is racing. This type of behavior is often exhibited in children from time to time, especially when they are excited about something. However, children with bipolar disorder will frequently act as though their mind is racing, even when there is no reason for it.
Bipolar children may exhibit some hypersexual behaviors. Examples of these include using sexually explicit language at a very early age and acting flirtatious before they are emotionally mature enough. These children may also grab or touch the genitals of adults they come in contact with.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents include excessive talkativeness and distraction, becoming easily irritated or hostile when their demands and expectations are not met, a feeling of euphoria, poor judgment and hallucinations.