The Effects of Bipolar Disease
One of the effects of bipolar disease is a manic episode. Under a manic stage you can have a euphoric feeling or you might find yourself needing less and less sleep. Hyperactivity and hyper sexuality are also an effect of the bipolar manic stage. A person who is manic might have many sexual partners in a short period of time. The person's judgment is not intact under this state of mind which would make it easy to max out credit cards buying things he does not need or can't afford, for example.
Another effect of bipolar disease is suffering depression episodes. It is not just being sad; it is a deep distraught feeling as if facing impending doom. The person might not get out of bed for days or weeks and is unable to do much else. The person cannot concentrate, and going to work can be impossible. Not showering or changing clothes for days can be another effect of this disorder.
Psychotic episodes are common occurrences. When a person is psychotic he can hear and see things that are not really there. He can become paranoid of everyone including his close friends and family members. Bipolar psychosis also causes irrational fears about people or objects. A psychotic person might think that an inanimate object is talking to them.
Most people who have bipolar disease need to be on medication and may need to be dependent on medication for the rest of their lives in order to live normally. Bipolar medication works well; so well in fact, that people mistakenly think they are better and no longer need it. They stop taking the medication and in a short time the effects of their disorder kicks in again. This can be an ongoing cycle especially for the newly diagnosed bipolar person.
A person afflicted by bipolar disorder faces stigma. Some people are afraid of a person who is labeled bipolar. Sometimes his own family members treat him differently because they fear that by being diagnosed with this disorder it means the patient is harmful. It is hard for someone with bipolar to find a job once disclosing they have this disorder.
Loved Ones
There is an effect from this disorder on the family and friends of the afflicted patient. They suffer along with this person as they watch them go through the stages of bipolar disease. Family and friends sometimes may notice the symptoms coming on before the bipolar person does and may feel hopeless.
The most devastating effect of bipolar disease is suicide. There is a higher than normal incidence of suicide among people who are diagnosed with this disorder. Suicide is more prevalent in people suffering the depression stage. When a bipolar person is in a depressed episode and sees no way out, suicide can become an option to end the horrific emotional pain.