Signs & Symptoms of Juvenile Bipolar Disorder
Mood Cycles
While bipolar adults tend to have elongated cycles of mania and depression that last for several days or weeks, children can cycle through those extremes multiple times in a day. They tend to have a very difficult time getting up in the morning, and experience more active moods in the afternoon and evening.
Signs in Infants
Parents who look back at their child's history after receiving a diagnosis of bipolar disorder may recall that the child was difficult to soothe as an infant. They rarely slept, had greater separation anxiety and were easily affected by sensory stimuli.
High Frustration Level
Young children with bipolar disorder often have higher frustration levels. The simple word "no" can send them into a massive tantrum that lasts for extended periods of time and may include aggression or violence. However, these tantrums are rarely shown outside the family.
Signs of Mania
Mania is the term used for periods of high energy. The bipolar child can be very restless, fidgety, inattentive, and hyperactive. He can quickly become excessively happy and silly, even if he previously seemed quiet and depressed. Racing thoughts and rapid talking are other symptoms.
Social Features
Some children with bipolar disorder develop social phobia, meaning they tend to withdraw from others. Other children may appear charismatic and are well-liked. They also like to take risks. Some may appear to be bossy to both adults and children.
Differences from ADHD
Children with bipolar disorder are different from those with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. They tend to have more difficulty sleeping, often experiencing night terrors. Behaviors are much more grandiose. Bipolar children are more irritable. Stimulants used in treating ADHD actually exacerbate bipolar disorder.
Other Possible Symptoms
Some children may experience hallucinations, such as seeing bugs crawling around, or hearing voices. This does not indicate schizophrenia. A child may also seem sexually precocious. He may become bossy toward other children or adults.