Home Remedies for Bipolar Disorder
Foods to avoid by those suffering from this mental illness are those that are high in fat or salt, and caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. Many patients with bipolar disorder consume caffeine in order to boost their depressed mood. But caffeine can interfere with certain medications and can trigger episodes of mania and depression. Eliminating caffeine from your diet completely will help in managing this disease.
Some studies have found that patients who consume a higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids benefit from decreased depression. Omega-3's can be found in albacore tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring and trout. If you do not like fish, you can also take daily omega-3 supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for the heart. Many experts believe that they play a role in brain function and behavior.
Maintain a Schedule
Research has found that it is imperative that individuals suffering from bipolar disorder maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Set a bedtime and morning wake time and stick to that schedule. Make sure that you are getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Most patients with bipolar disorder have a regimen of medications that are to be taken on a daily basis. Some medications need to be taken two to three times a day. Make sure that you take your medications at the same time every day. If they need to be taken with a meal, keep your meal schedule consistent. Lack of sleep and nourishment can cause mania and/or depression.
Avoid Triggers
Patients with bipolar disorder are five times as likely to abuse alcohol and drugs. This happens in part to self-medicate the uncomfortable mood swings and anxiety known to afflict those suffering with this disease. Alcohol and drug abuse can be life-threatening, especially when used in conjunction with the prescriptions needed to treat the disease. Alcohol and drugs can also triggers episodes of mania and depression.
Certain situations and people that cause high stress and anxiety need to be avoided. If you know that a certain situation causes you anxiety and/or depression, avoid that activity. Surround yourself with positive people.
If you need help assessing the negative people and places in your life, contact a licensed therapist to discuss your disease and your lifestyle. Make sure you make an appointment with a therapist who has experience in helping those with bipolar disorder.