The Life of a Manic Depressive

Many people think manic-depressives are individuals who are hyper and cheerful one day and despondent the next, their lives a metronome of highs and lows. That would be easy. Those of us who live with manic depression know that the reality is far more complex.
  1. There Is Life in Between

    • Life as a manic-depressive isn't all about the ups and downs. We have plateaus just like everyone else. We can be busy without being manic, sad without being depressed, tired without being frozen in fear.

    It Hurts

    • Manic-depressives aren't without conscience. This illness can have painful consequences for those we love, and at times it can take us from them. We know this, and it hurts, a lot.

    It Can Be Beautiful

    • Manic-depressives are capable of beautiful art, music and writing. Lack of inhibition can lead to open and honest expression, and we feel, tenfold, both the good and the bad in life.

    It's Scary

    • When the rest of the world seems to operate in a place called "normal" and you're on the outside, it's not only terrifying, but isolating as well.

    It's Normal

    • With treatment and a good bit of self-awareness, the life of a manic-depressive is that of a parent, a friend, a soccer coach, a spouse. We have families, careers, fun days and crawl-back-into-bed days. We learn to adapt, and we simply live.

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