Disease Management for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a very real mental health illness. Most medical professionals believe that bipolar disorder can be effectively managed through prescription medications. This illness manifests itself differently in every person, thus each person is managed individually. Medications that help one individual, may not work for another. If you are suffering from depression, anxiety and/or mania, see a doctor immediately. This illness cannot be managed alone. Once a psychiatrist has diagnosed this disorder, they will begin treating the disease. Medication management can be a long process. Be patient and discuss any medication side effects with your psychiatrist.
Once bipolar disorder has been diagnosed by a medical doctor, you may be encouraged to see a therapist. Diagnosis can cause initial anxiety, which is helpful to talk through with a licensed counselor or psychologist. Usually there are other factors influencing or affecting the disorder. Talking with a therapist about past traumatic experiences and current stresses can help manage this disease. Knowing that you are not alone and that many other people suffer from this disease, can help you feel better about your future. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can also help in handling stressful situations. If you do not feel comfortable with your therapist after a few sessions, look for another psychologist.
Lifestyle changes can help tremendously in managing this disease. Taking medication at the same time every day is extremely important. Cutting alcohol and illegal drugs from your life is the only way to let the prescribed drugs for bipolar help your illness. Be consistent with your bedtime. Make a schedule for eating and exercising and stick to that schedule. Make sure that you have plenty of rest. Eating healthy foods, with plenty of fruits and vegetables is also important. Avoid caffeine if at all possible. If you need coffee in the morning, keep your caffeine intake to the early hours of the day. It is important to get at least seven hours of sleep at night. Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake time will help in minimizing mania and depression. Avoid toxic people and situations. If you know someone is a negative influence on your life, work to cut them out of your life. If you are involved in negative activities, stop them and begin cultivating positive hobbies and activities.