Group Therapy Activities for Bipolar Disorder
Most group therapy sessions are just talking. Everyone gets a chance to speak about their experiences and what strategies they use to help them avoid and get through episodes. Other topics can be medications, feelings and attitudes. This can be therapeutic for the speaker and listeners alike. A strategy that works for someone in group may also work for you and is often worth a try.
Some groups use writing to help cope with bipolar disorder. This can mean writing journal entries that are shared with the group or short stories for self-expression. Writing is a great way to relieve stress and a creative outlet that you can turn to when you're starting to feel depressed or manic. Just as in discussion groups, sharing writing can help you to learn coping skills. This type of group is especially suitable for people who are shy or who better express themselves on paper.
Finding the Right Group
It can be hard to find a therapy group that is right for you. You doctor may recommend a specific group. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and the National Alliance on Mental Illness offer group therapy in many locations. Their Web sites offer lists of support groups by area and mental illness.