The Difference Between Mania & Hypomania
It is important for those who either have bipolar disorder or know someone with the disorder to be able to distinguish the difference between mania and hypomania.
Mania is characterized by an elevated and/or irritated mood that lasts at least a week, leads to hospitalization or dangerous behavior. Other symptoms include decreased need for sleep and overfocused, distractible or risky behavior.
Hypomania is a precursor to mania that is characterized by increased irritability and overly cheerful mood. Hypomania usually goes unnoticed and will not lead to hospitalization.
An episode of hypomania will have at least three of the symptoms of mania, which can make them hard to distinguish. In addition, both are associated with an irritable mood.
The symptoms of hypomania are much less intense than those of mania. Although those with hypomania have an overly cheerful mood, it is not elevated to the same extent as when manic.
Hypomania is still dangerous, as it can lead to a full-blown manic episode. If hypomania is identified, a manic episode can be avoided.