Signs & Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Teen Girls
Bipolar disorder is characterized by its rapid mood swings between depression and mania. Bipolar disorder typically develops during the late teenage years.
It can be hard to tell if what your teenage daughter is going through is normal adolescent angst or something more. If it is bipolar disorder, diagnosis is needed to begin treatment.
Depression in teens can disguise itself as normal sadness. Symptoms of depression in teenagers include phantom pains, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, feelings of guilt and talk of suicide.
Mania is the high period associated with bipolar disorder. Symptoms include unusually silly and risky behavior, decreased need for sleep, increased interest in sex, lack of focus and short temper.
If your teenage daughter shows these symptoms on a regular basis it's important to speak to a mental health professional. Treatment can include therapy, medications and, in severe cases, hospitalization.
Bipolar disorder left untreated can have serious side effects. People with bipolar disorder can lead dangerous lifestyles and sometimes even commit suicide.