Foods for Kids With Bipolar Disorder & ADHD
Avoid Sugar
According to the National Institute of Mental Health sugar does not worsen the symptoms of ADHD. However, medications prescribed for ADHD can often react negatively with sugar. Sugar also has been linked with increases in depression, including those with bipolar disorder. The chemical properties in sugar can cause an increase in serotonin which can temporarily ease depression, but the sugar crash can hit those with bipolar disorder harder than most. As a result, limiting the amount of sugar your ADHD or bipolar child consumes is generally a good idea. Not only is it a good idea for their mental health, but it is also better for their health in general.
Nutrient-Dense Foods
The food we eat has a direct relation not only to our overall health, but our mental health as well. Deficiencies in certain vitamins can aggravate the symptoms of bipolar disorder and ADHD. In addition, certain nutrients can actually help reduce symptoms. Fish is recommended for both disorders for its omega-3 fatty acids which promote healthy brain function. A deficiency in vitamins B-6, B-12 and B-9 can aggravate both of these disorders as well. Magnesium is needed to produce serotonin which means it is important that a child with bipolar disorder gets enough magnesium to avoid depression. Protein is responsible for helping produce the neurotransmitters that help keep our brain alert. As a result, a diet rich in protein is recommended for children with ADHD. Iron deficiency may be related to ADHD as well. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy products and whole grains is a great way to get all of these needed vitamins without the use of a supplement. These nutrient-dense foods have all the vitamins your child needs not only to maintain a healthy nervous system, but also their other body systems. Fast food and frozen meals rarely contain the nutrients needed to help promote good mental health.