Manic Depressive Treatments
Mood Stabilizers
Lithium is the oldest mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar mania. Unlike most other mood stabilizers, lithium is not an anticonvulsant. Anticonvulsant mood stabilizers include Depakote, Lamictal and Topamax.
Several antipsychotics have proven effective in controlling symptoms of bipolar disorder. Abilify, Risperadal and Zyprexa help manage mania or mixed episodes. Seroquel was the first antipsychotic approved for treating depressive episodes as well as mania in bipolar patients.
Taken alone, antidepressants can lead to a severe manic episode or rapid cycling. Doctors usually prescribe a mood stabilizer with an antidepressant to keep this from happening. Antidepressants prescribed for bipolar disorder include Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Prozac.
A therapist can help you learn about your illness, cope with the symptoms and identify triggers that lead to an episode. He can also help educate your family about your illness if they participate in group sessions with you.
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Electroconvulsive therapy, or shock therapy, is usually only tried after other treatments have failed or if medication isn't an option. This treatment can cause short-term confusion and memory loss, but can be effective in treating severe bipolar disorder.