What Is Bipolar Disorder NOS?
A diagnosis of Bipolar NOS is given when a patient does not meet the diagnostic criteria for Bipolar I, II or Cyclothymia but still has symptoms of mania and depression. The disorder is sometimes referred to as manic depression, manic depressive illness or sub-threshold bipolar. This mental illness typically develops in adolescence or early adulthood, but occasionally develops in children.
Examples of symptoms that warrant a Biplolar NOS diagnosis would be when a patient is rapidly cycling between manic and depressive episodes, or when a patient is experiencing hypomanic or manic episodes with no depressive episodes. A high percentage (more than 50 percent) of patients with bipolar NOS have other medical and/or psychiatric conditions such as psychotic disorder NOS, delusional disorders or residual schizophrenia.
Bipolar disorder has a long history and has been studied under various terminologies since ancient Greece. A Persian physician and psychological thinker named Avicenna wrote "The Cannon of Medicine" in 1025 and called the disorder "Manic Depressive Psychosis." German pyschiatrist Emil Kraepelin further refined these concepts, and the idea of sub-classifications was first introduced by German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard in 1957. Leonhard was also the first to introduce the terms Bipolar and Unipolar.
There are still many stigmas and misconceptions surrounding Bipolar NOS. The condition is still thought of by some as being "catching," for example. The disorder is not communicable. Patients who suffer from this condition are often stigmatized and thought of as crazy, scary or unreliable. When you encounter these misconceptions and stigmas in conversations, gently and politely correct the person. Education is the best way to counteract narrow-minded behavior.
Treatment for Bipolar NOS varies from patient to patient. The types and amounts of medicine will vary and the list of available medications is extensive. Pharmaceutical treatment is the main form of treatment, but a doctor may also use psychotherapy to help patients recognize triggers and cope with symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, family-focused therapy and psycho-education are a few of the types of psychotherapy used to help patients cope with the mental illness.