Bipolar Manic Depression Treatment
The Meaning of Bipolar Manic Depression
Bipolar persons have mood swings and extreme changes in temperament. Their moods sway between mania (periods of high excitement) and depression (periods of extreme calm) that borders on the edge of lack of care or ability to do even life's most needful tasks or chores. Untreated, bipolar disorder generally will worsen, and there are many persons who are wrongly diagnosed or not diagnosed at all. There are many effective treatment methods that allow a person with this disorder to live an enjoyable and productive life.
Types of Available Treatments
Bipolar disorder is categorized into three main subtypes: Bipolar I, Bipolar II (which has a less-sever sub-type called hypomania), and Cyclothymia, a mild form of the depressive syndrome (see Resources below for more information). There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but available forms of treatment include chemical treatment such as mood stabilizing medications like lithium, Depakote (an alternative to lithium), and anti-depressants like Lamictal, Neurontin, Topamax and Trileptal.
Non-Chemical Treatments
Other treatments for bipolar disorder are psychotherapy, ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and hospitalization. There is news that certain mineral supplements have a powerful natural remedy for bipolar disorder and that dietary changes have resulted in dramatic side effect-free changes. Sufferers of bipolar disorder can sometimes live and lead normal lives within a few months after using these supplements and changing their diets. Some of the homeopathic remedies are sold under commercial labels like Mood Calm, Melancholy Life, Mind Soothe and Mood Tonic.
Clinical or Physical Causes
There is no known cause of bipolar disorder. However, biochemical, genetic and environmental factors can trigger bipolar incidents. There is some evidence that people with bipolar disorder undergo physical changes in their brains and/or hormonal imbalances. Other causes are thought to be genetic (passed on by inheritance) and environmental, like problems with self-esteem or high stress.
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder include euphoria, extreme optimism, inflated self-esteem, poor judgment, racing thoughts and aggressive behavior. Other symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts or behavior, anxiety, feelings of guilt, appetite and sleep disturbances, constant fatigue and undiagnosed chronic pain.