Hypomania Symptom
In a hypomanic espidode, the individual feels energetic and has less need for sleep. She may talk rapidly and be noticeably more active than usual.
The person experiencing hypomania typically feels happy and optimistic, and sometimes even euphoric. Other people notice this obvious elevation in mood.
Hypomania commonly is associated with an increase in goal-directed activity and motivation, and enhanced functioning and productivity. However, goal-directed activity also may be directed at less beneficial behavior, such as unrestrained sexual pursuits.
A person experiencing hypomania makes lots of plans and is able to accomplish many things at once. However, he overestimates his abilities and does not notice obvious risks. He may invest money unwisely or take on too many responsibilities.
During hypomania, people may indulge in reckless driving, gambling, increased alcohol consumption and shopping sprees. They seem unable to see the potential for negative consequences.