Natural Treatment for Rapid-Swinging Bipolar Disorders
What It Is
The DSM IV defines rapid-cycling bipolar disorder as having four distinct episodes of depression, mania, or hypomania in a single year. Many children switch from manic to depressed in a single day, or several times a week. Often these cycles follow a rhythm individual to the child; a child may be bouncing off the walls for a few days then shift to meltdowns and general depression.
According to the APA, rapid cycling can appear with bipolar types I or II. People with rapid cycling can shift into a more normal long pattern between mood episodes. Parents at the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (CABF) note that rapid cycling in their children is far more common than the 10 percent to 20 percent adult rate. Rapid cycling is much more common in females.
Supplements and Drugs that Can Hurt or Help
Anti-depressants can trigger the onset of rapid-cycling. Dr. Mario Maj notes that lithium is often ineffective for rapid cyclers.
Because St. John's Wort works like many anti-depressant drugs, if your child has rapid cycling you should avoid it. Also avoid other herbal anti-depressants unless directed by your doctor. Generally avoid caffeine, but if she has ADHD symptoms, some parents find that a caffeinated drink in the morning helps a child focus at school. Keep a mood diary so you will know if morning caffeine worsens her cycling or triggers insomnia. Watch for food allergies.
Omega 3 fish oil or other omega 3 supplements help bipolar children. Serve an oily fish like salmon or mackerel two or three times a week. Dietary deficiencies can worsen a child's problems, so make sure he eats right. The B vitamins are especially important; if he's a picky eater you may want to supplement. Warm milk or turkey before bedtime may help your child sleep. Herbal teas that relax and help sleep may also be useful.
Action Remedies
Sleep disturbance can cause mania, so a regular schedule is crucial. Remove night lights and block out other light that might interrupt your child's sleep. A single flash of light during a child's sleep cycle can disrupt her circadian rhythms. If she has trouble getting to sleep, put her to bed, turn out the light and sit beside her for a while talking quietly about her day.
For depression problems, sunlight and exercise are natural antidepressants. Many parents have found that allowing a manic child to run off extra energy can help him settle down.
Pediatric bipolar disorder is a serious illness; see your doctor. If possible, find a board certified pediatric psychiatrist with experience in childhood mood disorders. Treat any threats of suicide seriously and contact your doctor immediately.