Hypomania Treatment
The most common form of treatment in those with hypomania is to prescribe mood stabillizers. The most common medications that are recommended by physicians are lithium, Tegretol, Depakote, Topamax, Lamictil and Neurontin. These medications can reduce aggression and hyperactivity so that the person has fewer mood swings. If the patient is also suffering from depression an antidepressant may be needed as well.
Treatment for hypomania may involve seeing a psychiatrist who can help to find the cause of the aggressive or irritable behavior. Therapy may involve finding relaxation techniques such as meditation that will help you cope with the stress from outside sources. Therapy can also help one learn to deal with depression and help them find out what should be eliminated from their lives that is causing the excessive stress.
Lifestyle Change
A lifestyle change can be helpful in the treatment of hypomania. Someone suffering from hypomania should avoid excessive sugar that can increase hyperactivity and should avoid alcohol and caffeine. It's good to eat a well-balanced diet to keep your body healthy. This will help you be able to deal with certain situations better. You should try to engage yourself in peaceful activities such as reading and relaxing and try to avoid over-stimulating activities such as dancing and bar hopping.