Personality Effects of Depakote
Depakote is the brand name for what is known as valproic acid. It was originally used to treat seizure disorders, however valproic acid is also a main ingredient in lithium, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder. As of 1995, Depakote has since been used as a treatment for bipolar disorder. The drug comes in delayed-release tablets, as well as immediate release capsules. As severe mood swings are characteristic of bipolar disorder, the psychological effects of Depakote help to stabilize these mood swings.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder--also known as manic-depressive disorder--is a condition in which a person experiences recurring episodes in which extreme changes in mood take place. These mood swings go from a severely depressed state to feelings of mania, or extreme exhilaration, and activity. Each episode can last anywhere from six months to a year, depending on the severity of the condition. In 1974, Lithium was the first medication approved by the FDA for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Depakote emerged as another treatment option, and has become an alternative treatment in cases where Lithium is unsuccessful in alleviating symptoms of the condition.
One of the main causes of bipolar disorder has been linked to imbalanced neurotransmitter levels within the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals secreted by the brain that regulate every process within the body. Depakote works to increase the brain's concentration of a neurotransmitter called GABBA. As such, the psychological effects of the drug are the result of this increase in GABBA levels. This is the same mechanism that acts as an anticonvulsive in the case of seizure disorders.
Once administered, Depakote is quickly absorbed by the body. It's strongest effects can be experienced as soon as four hours after taking it. The overall drug effect can last anywhere from 12 to 32 hours, depending on a person's chemical makeup. The main psychological effect experienced is a decrease in mania symptoms that occur in bipolar disorder. Mania episodes may be shortened or stabilized. In high doses, the drug also is able to quickly stabilize an acute episode of mania. The overall result is a reduced incidence of mood swings allowing a person to lead a more normal, productive lifestyle.
Not unlike Lithium treatment, Depakote does pose the risk of blood toxicity if too much builds up in the system. Regular blood tests are required to monitor blood levels. Incidentally, the optimal dosage amount (or therapeutic level) for Depakote is dangerously close to the amount that causes blood poisoning, so blood testing is warranted throughout the course of Depakote treatment. Also of concern is the link between antiepileptic (one of Depakote's uses) medications and an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior. How a person responds to the medication will depend on her own chemical makeup, but the risk is there.