Bi-Polar Disorder Information

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental condition in which an individual experiences times of mania and depression. It is vital to accurately treat bipolar disorder.
  1. About Bipolar Disorder

    • Bipolar disorder (BPD) is a disorder in which an individual experiences extreme highs and lows. The highs are called mania and the lows are referred to as depression. BPD involves drastic mood swings that affect normal life.


    • The manic phase of BPD includes symptoms such as racing thoughts, optimism, poor judgment, irritability, difficulty concentrating and decreased need for sleep. The depressive phase exhibits symptoms like sadness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and anxiety.


    • The specific causes of bipolar disorder are not known, however, there are certain factors that can trigger the disorder. BPD can be genetic and is it possible that the disorder is passed down through generations. Environment may also play a role in whether or not a person experiences BPD. Stressful situations can trigger BPD.


    • There are several tests, including medical and psychological exams, that need to be conducted to determine if an individual has bipolar disorder. To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a patient must meet the criteria provided by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


    • Bipolar disorder requires long-time treatment as it usually persists throughout a person's lifetime. Treatment is necessary for reducing the radical mood swings and decreasing the seriousness of the manic and depressive moods. Anti-depressants and mood-stabilizing drugs are the most common methods for treating BPD.

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