How to Start a Relationship With a Man Who has Bipolar Disorder
Know the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Symptoms include mood shifts between depression and mania. These mood shifts can be rapid or episodes can last for many days or even months.
Understand how to identify symptoms of mania. These may include bouts of irritability, little to no sleeping, increased creativity, increased interest in sexual activity and/or inflated self esteem and feeling superior to others. Severe symptoms may include engaging in high risk behavior such as spending large amounts of money, frequent gambling or rage that can occur in aggressiveness. These symptoms may be warning signs that your partner is experiencing a manic episode.
Understand how to identify symptoms of depression. These may include sad and irritable moods, lethargy, appetite and sleep changes and/or loss of pleasure in enjoyable activities. Severe symptoms may include suicidal thoughts. These symptoms may be warning signs that your partner may be headed toward a down shift in mood.
Encourage compliance with treatment. Bipolar disorder can cause serious problems if left untreated. Supporting a partner with bipolar disorder will include encouragement to remain compliant with medications and maintaining appointments with treatment providers.
Recognize that management of the illness is the responsibility of the individual with bipolar disorder. Offer support, but understand your own limits and boundaries in the relationship.