How to Deal With Bipolar Disorder at the Workplace

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness wherein a person experiences extreme mood shifts from overly energetic or irritable to deep depression, oftentimes with periods of stability in between. Bipolar disorder can make it hard to function at the workplace, but it is possible and many people do it, given the right coping techniques.


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      Be aware of your symptoms and triggers. Staying in control of your mood or knowing what is happening with it can help to reduce work-related issues and give you more control.

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      Take breaks. They will help keep your stress level under control, even if you don't feel that you need it at that particular point in time. Meditation and relaxation are great tools for stress management.

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      Keep taking your medication as prescribed. Staying on your medication is vital to stability in your life.

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      Get the proper amount of rest each night.

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      Decide whether or not you want your employer to know about your bipolar disorder. By law, they cannot discriminate against you for it and may be able to give you special accommodations, such as extra breaks or time off if you've gone through a manic or depressed episode.

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