Herbs for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, commonly known as manic depressive disorder, is a debilitating mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings from high (manic) to low (depressive). Typical medications prescribed for bipolar disorder include lithium, antidepressants, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics and benzodiazepines. However, if you are looking for a more natural treatment, or even something to supplement your prescription medication, there are several herbal options to ponder.
  1. St. John's Wort

    • St. John's Wort has gained much notoriety for its antidepressant effect. Fortunately, according to Psych Central, this notoriety is backed by a good amount of research, much of it in Germany where it is actually a prescription drug. According to iHerb, studies conducted by W.E. Muller and R. Rossol (1994) and W.E. Muller, S. Kasper, H.P. Volz, et al. (1997) suggest that St. John's Wort was able to raise levels in the brain chemicals associated with bipolar disorder, while other numerous studies have shown St. John's Wort to possess properties on par with many of today's prescription antidepressants.


    • Ginseng has long been used to improve health and to increase energy and may be useful to people who are suffering from the physical symptoms of fatigue and lethargy associated with the depressive cycle of bipolar disorder. A study conducted in Germany by C. Siegl and H.J. Siegl (1979) suggested that ginseng can improve mental function in the areas of concentration, coping ability, memory and attention, while another study conducted by I. Forgo, L. Kayasseh and J.J. Staub (1981) showed that ginseng elevated general feelings of well-being in women.

    Black Cohosh

    • Black cohosh, also called black snakeroot and squaw root, is a nervous system depressant and sedative. Used traditionally by people with autoimmune and gynecological disorders, it has also been used for its sedative properties to moderate acclaim by people with bipolar disorder. However, according to "Bipolar Disorder for Dummies" by Candida Fink and Joe Kraynak, there has been no real proof offered that black cohosh is effective in easing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, and if used long term, it can cause severe liver damage.

    Ginkgo Biloba

    • Ginkgo biloba is believed to increase blood flow to the brain and is typically marketed as a treatment for memory improvement and dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. It has also been shown, in some cases, to improve symptoms of depression after 8 to 12 weeks of use. According to "Bipolar Disorder for Dummies," the properties of this medicinal herb are currently being explored for its effectiveness as a mood enhancer.


    • Valerian root has a strong sedative effect on the central nervous system and is, thus, generally used to induce sleep, calm nerves and treat headaches. It is currently the subject of ongoing studies as to its effect on bipolar and other mood disorders with fairly positive results. According to the Health Center, these clinical trials have suggested that valerian root is indeed effective in relieving symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, depression, restlessness and mild to moderate mood changes.


    • It should be noted that the most effective and proven treatments for bipolar disorder are the prescription medications you will receive from your mental health practitioner. Although herbs may be effective in easing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, you should never take them if you are already taking prescription medications of any kind, as serious and dangerous drug interactions could occur. Even if taken without prescription medication, these herbs can still have serious side effects. Never take any herb or herbal supplement without consulting with your doctor.

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