Occupational Therapy & Bipolar Disorder
Why Use an Occupational Therapist?
An occupational therapist can help a person with a mental illness reintegrate into a career that may have been knocked off track by this mental illness and can provide support and guidance to clients suffering from bipolar disorder. An occupational therapist will join the team of health care providers that work toward returning the patient to full health.
Get a Recommendation from a Mental Health Provider
If a person with bipolar disorder asks his mental health care provider to recommend an occupational therapist, the mental health care provider should be able to recommend an occupational therapist who has experience working with clients with mental illnesses
Occupational Therapists and Bipolar Clients
The primary function of the occupational therapist for bipolar patients is to educate friends, family and perspective employers of a client about the client's illness. An occupational therapist will provide additional coping mechanisms for his client and monitor his bipolar condition. An occupational therapist will also check to make sure the client is taking the proper medications and the patient does not suffer a relapse.
Health Insurance Coverage of Occupational Therapy
An occupational therapists for bipolar disorder is not covered by many health insurance plans. What an insurance company provides for its mental health patients is often spelled out in the paperwork the company sends out after someone buys or enrolls in a given policy. Check the plan's documentation to see what mental health services are provided.
If an insurance company does not provide these services, many states and counties have programs available to help people with disabilities return to work. Information about these programs can often be found on many state and local government web sites.
Occupational Therapists and Filing for Disability
The primary concern for an occupational therapist is to get his clients back to work. There are times, however, when this may not be possible. If this turns out to be the case, the occupational therapist can help a bipolar patient find the resources necessary to file for disability.