Symptoms of Bipolar 1
Bipolar I disorder is characterized by fluctuating high and lows. The highs are known as "manic" episodes and the lows are known as "depressed" episodes. Experiencing at least one of these cycles is enough to categorize you as having bipolar disorder I. People with bipolar disorder I can also suffer episodes of major or clinical depression. To be truly diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, these symptoms must not be better accounted for by another mental illness such as schizoaffective disorders, schizophrenia, or delusional or psychotic disorders.
Severity of Illness
It is important to know that most mental illness is defined by a lack of insight by the sufferer. It is not expected of someone with bipolar disorder I to fully recognize or even understand the shifts in his behavior. This is one of the reasons that mental illness is so hard to treat and diagnose, because, on the patient's part, it is hard to put her symptoms into coherent words in every situation. That is why it is important for loved ones, spouses and families to take part in intervening in a loved one's life to be there to notice the early onset signs of mental illness and breakdown and to be supportive in the recovery process.
Early Onset
Early onset symptoms of bipolar I disorder may be hypomania. Hympomania is a mixed state between euphoria and depression where the affected person is impulsive, reckless, highly moody, irritable and has large amounts of energy. It should be noted that these symptoms should not be side effects of legal or illegal drug use, but rather exist on their own. At first, bipolar disorder I may seem to be easily explained away as drug use or deterioration of personal maintenance socially, privately or in school.
The PsychCentral Website explains that bipolar I disorder is hard to diagnose. It can be a number of separate occurrences that do not follow a routine pattern. The course of the disease is unpredictable, and without treatment it will worsen and move into full-blown manic and depressive states. The diagnosis of the state of the patient is based on the most recent mood alteration he or she has experienced. In addition to complication in diagnosis, bipolar I sufferers may go through a "mixed state" in which they meet both the criteria for major depression and a manic episode.
Getting Help
It is crucial that anyone suffering from a mental disorder get help immediately. There are organizations that exist to help curb costs and community mental health centers available in certain areas of your particular state. Your illness will intensify and worsen without proper treatment. There is hope for a better life and a better future.