How to Battle Weight Gain While Taking Bipolar Medications
Exercise regularly to battle weight gain while taking bipolar medications. People who have never exercised can take 10 minute walks and work their way up to 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. Water aerobics, too, provides a gentle workout. However, each person should find an exercise program she likes and that fits her lifestyle.
Eat a healthy diet. Medications used to treat bipolar often stimulate the appetite; however, instead of reaching for foods containing saturated fats and carbohydrates, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats like chicken and fish.
Break meals into six smaller meals a day. People who eat smaller meals stay full longer by tricking the brain, thus they can successfully battle weight gain while taking bipolar medications.
Broil or bake foods instead of frying to battle weight gain while taking bipolar medications. Basically, eating fried chicken or fish doesn't curb weight gain, even if they are lean cuts.
Drink plenty of water. Many bipolar medications cause dry mouth, and some people misread their thirst for hunger. Drinking eight glasses of water a day staves off weight gain when taking these medications.
Do not comfort bad moods with food. People suffering from bipolar disorders experience dramatic mood swings. Instead of eating food to fill the void, take walks, drink a cup of chamomile tea or use relaxation techniques to calm these feeling.
Ask a doctor for other options. People taking bipolar medication but still battling weight gain should ask their doctors if a prescription change is a viable option or if they can supplement their treatment with a weight loss drug.