How to Deal With Being Bipolar
Accept the fact that you have a life-long disease that may end in your death if not treated properly. Until you are able to face the implications of your diagnosis, you will only make half-hearted attempts to deal with it. Bipolar disorder can be dealt with, but it takes effort and desire to do it. Without acceptance, you will not have that desire.
Take your prescribed medications. Many times bipolars will go off their meds to experience the euphoric highs and racing brain activity associated with the high side of the disease. Sometimes bipolars have difficulty accepting their diagnosis and will stop their meds out of denial. Either way, the result is always the same. The symptoms take over and you are no longer in control.
Regularly see a therapist who specializes in bipolar disorder. A therapist can see the onset of symptoms much sooner than you. She can also work with you and your doctor to find the most effective mix of medications for you.
Develop a support network. Talk to close friends and family about your illness and its symptoms. Find people who are willing to help you when your symptoms come back and who will hold you accountable for taking your meds.
Develop a routine. Stress and the unknown are two of the biggest enemies for a bipolar. The more you plan and the better you can predict what will happen next in your life, the less stress and uncertainty you will have. Keep a schedule or a planner and stick to it as much as possible.