How to Work With a Bipolar Person
Educate yourself about bipolar disorder and learn to recognize the signs of its various cycles. During the manic phase, the patient is optimistic, buoyant and full of energy. He may show extreme zeal at a given task or race from one project to the next. The depressive phase involves the exact opposite. The patient may appear listless and depressed, or get snappish at other workers. These cycles can last for days or months, depending upon the patient. Spotting which cycle your coworker is in can help you deal with him more readily.
Encourage a work environment which helps a bipolar patient handle his condition. It may be as simple as opening the window shades on a sunny day or asking for more light sources to brighten the office environment. (Full spectrum lighting, in particular, can be helpful, because it imitates sunlight, which is known to have an effect on mood.) Flexible hours and lower stress tasks are also beneficial.
Set appropriate boundaries. While you can be supportive by offering to reduce stress, make sure your work duties are clear and that you don't end up "covering" work which your bipolar colleague should be doing. A good rule of thumb is to work with a bipolar colleague to finish a given task, not finish it for him.
Maintain a pleasant demeanor, but be firm in your views. Yelling at a bipolar coworker accomplishes nothing and may make things worse.
Don't take hurtful comments personally. While your bipolar colleague is responsible for his behavior toward you, it stems from his condition rather than any deliberately cruel or hurtful place. Keep an even temper and wait for the incident to pass. When it does, arrange for a time to speak to both the bipolar coworker and your superior about the matter. Make your points clearly and calmly, and seek a mutually acceptable solution rather than provoking another confrontation. You may wish to do this during a stable period of the bipolar cycle, when your coworker is apt to be more rational.