Difficulties of Living With a Bipolar Partner
Bipolar disorder, once known as manic depression, is a serious mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings from depression to mania.
If your partner suffers from bipolar disorder, he may be extremely jealous, and may accuse you of affairs with other men, or even same sex friends.
Mania is when bipolar sufferers are extremely and excessively happy. She may be restless with excitement, unable to sleep, have racing thoughts and a high sex drive. Mania can produce grandiose plans, shopping sprees and chronic overspending.
Depression is the opposite. The person is excessively sad and cries uncontrollably; even the simple act of getting out of bed is impossible. Difficulty eating and making decisions along with thoughts of suicide and death are other classic symptoms.
Bipolar disorder is treated with medications and therapy. Mania is treated with antipsychotic drugs, lithium and/or benzodiazepine, according to WebMD. Depression is treated with lithium, but can also include antipsychotic medications and an anticonvulsant.