Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents
There are four types of bipolar disorders. Bipolar 1 is the most severe form. Bipolar 2 is a milder form of Bipolar 1. Rapid cycling is when a person quickly alternates between highs and lows. A mixed episode features manic and depressive symptoms simultaneously. Adolescents can suffer from all four.
In the manic episodes, a teen is hyperactive and euphoric. He may feel invincible and this can lead to reckless behavior like using drugs, drinking alcohol or driving fast.
During a depressive episode an adolescent is listless, sad and lacks energy. She has no interest in hobbies or school activities. There may be thoughts of suicide.
In Bipolar 2 a person has hypomanic episodes instead of manic episodes. This symptom has a teen feeling good and optimistic, but the behavior is moderate and does not interfere with daily life.
Experts don't know what causes this mood disorder, but genetics, biochemistry and environmental factors may play a role. There is also evidence that hormonal changes may also contribute to the mood swings.