Definition of Bipolar Affective Disorder
Scientists began calling the disease bipolar affective disorder to accurately describe the disorder. Many people confused it with PMS, depression or narcissistic behavior.
Bipolar affective disorder is a serious disorder that significantly disrupts a person's ability to reason and think. Some bipolar sufferers are hospitalized due to behavior stemming from the disorder.
Bipolar affective disorder is divided into types: bipolar I and bipolar II. Bipolar I is less serious, whereas bipolar II leads to suicidal thoughts, risk of harm to others and psychopathic behaviors.
Time Frame
Bipolar affective disorder develops in early adulthood, usually before the age of 25. It is rare for children to have bipolar affective disorder.
Bipolar affective disorder is characterized by excessively happy or erratic behaviors, called mania, and depressing thoughts or suicidal behavior, called depression. These behaviors must be repeated, cycling events to be diagnosed.
Famous Ties
Several celebrities have bipolar affective disorder, including British comedian Stephen Fry and actor Richard Dreyfuss. Stephen Fry recently made a documentary about his ordeal with bipolar affective disorder.